It is not surprising that many men dream of their penis becoming bigger. After all, everyone wants to look decent in the eyes of their girlfriends. There are many different methods of penis lengthening today. Usually, a special massage is performed to enlarge the penis.
Can massage enlarge the penis
Some people don’t know if they can lengthen their penis through massage. This is definitely possible, and to be sure of this, you need to be familiar with its principles of operation. It is no secret that the penis has two main muscles and many cavities. At the moment of sexual arousal, all cavities begin to fill with blood, which can cause erections.

Penis enlargement massage allows you to enlarge all the cavities in your muscles. Because of this, the tissue will begin to gradually stretch, which will cause the penis to thicken and grow.
How to enlarge the penis with massage
This process is carried out in several successive stages, and you must be familiar with these stages.
Before the massage, it is necessary to prepare the penis. Many men do this by preheating. There are several common heating methods. In most cases, a simple container with hot water is used for this. To heat the penis in this way, you need to add a few liters of water to the pot and heat it. When the liquid gets hot, the penis is placed in it for 10-15 minutes.It is very important that the water is not too hot and does not burn the skin of the penis.

Some people use a small soaked towel to heat the penis. For this, you need to soak it in a pan filled with boiling water. Then tie the members with a wet towel and take them off after 10 minutes. Using a wet towel will make the skin more elastic and elastic.
The third most popular way to warm men is to use rice. It must be poured into a dry frying pan and heated to a hot state. Then pour the rice into a paper towel bag and apply it to the penis. It can only be removed after half an hour.
Warm up
You need to warm up after warming up, during which you can use the following techniques:
- Lubricant application. Lubricate the penis with a small amount of lubricant. In this case, it must be applied in a slight circular motion from the very bottom of the organ. This process takes 5 minutes and can be repeated afterwards.
- grinding. The penis is loosely wrapped around the hand. Then, with its help, you need to knead the skin a little bit. This exercise makes the skin of the organ more elastic.
- Trembling. This exercise is the simplest. To complete it, you just need to hold the penis in your hand and shake it from side to side for a few minutes. With such shaking, not only can the blood flow be activated, but also strong nervous tension can be rid of.
One of the most popular types of massage is jelqing. With such exercises, you can triple the blood flow to the genitals and activate tissue growth. The first result of jelqing can be seen 3-4 months after the start of the exercise.
There are two types of jelqing most commonly used for penis growth:
- wet. This exercise is only performed after the penis has warmed up. For massage, apply warm cream or lubricant to the dry penis. Then, with either hand, you need to clasp the penis. For this reason, near its bottom, the index finger and thumb must be connected to form a ring. Then slide from the base to massage. During exercise, you need to monitor erections. If the member is in agitated state, the program terminates.
- dry. In this case, you do not need to use lubricants or creams. When practicing, you must fully grasp the penis with the palm of your hand. Then massage from head to toe.

Use pump
To perform a vacuum massage, you must use a special vacuum pump. The device is specifically designed to increase male reproductive organs and treatment effectiveness.
Vacuum massage is very simple. To do this, the penis must be placed in a cylinder connected to a special pump with air. A vacuum is generated inside the cylinder, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation. The vacuum massage should not exceed 20 minutes to avoid accidental damage to the tissues. It is recommended to use a vacuum pump before sexual intercourse because the penis will return to its normal size after a few hours.

Grip and stretch
This penis enlargement massage is very popular with men. When doing this exercise, increase the penis by increasing the tension of the cavernous body, which will lead to an increase in organ volume.
Before massaging the penis, it must be lubricated with gel, cream or special lubricant.
In the process of applying lubricant, the penis is wrapped in a small ring formed by the thumb and index finger at the base.
During the massage, the ring formed by the fingers moves to the end of the penis. In this case, each seizure must be increased to improve blood flow. First, the procedure is performed at an average speed for 10 minutes. Then the speed of the action gradually increased. The accelerated massage takes at least 15 minutes. After the massage is complete, hold the penis at the bottom and keep it for a few minutes. The penis must be grasped carefully to avoid pain. If discomfort occurs during exercise, it is best to start again.

Regular grasping and stretching will allow you to extend your penis by 2-4 cm in 4-5 months.
in conclusion
Many men want to increase their dignity. However, not everyone knows how to do this. To achieve penis enlargement, it is recommended that you be familiar with the function of penis enlargement massage.